78. We are a nation who do not eat until we are hungry? വിശക്കുന്നത് വരെ ഭക്ഷണം കഴിക്കാത്ത ഒരു ജനതയാണ് നമ്മൾ,നബി(സ)വചനം?
Q- Is the following an authentic Hadith of Nabi (sallallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam)? “We are a nation who do not eat until we are hungry and when we eat, we do not eat to our fill”

Have not come across this Hadith in any primary Hadith source.

‘Allamah Burhanud Din Al Halabi (rahimahullah) has cited this as a Hadith of Nabi (sallallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) without a chain of narrators nor did he mention the source. therefore unable to verify the authenticity. (Insanul ‘Uyun Fi Siratil Aminil Ma-mun; As Sirah Al Halabiyyah, vol. 3 pg. 300)

 The following Hadith could be quoted instead: Sayyiduna Miqdam ibn Ma’di Karib (radiyallahu ‘anhu) reports, I heard Nabi (sallallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) say, “Man does not fill a container more evil than his belly. It is sufficient for man to eat that amount which straightens his back [i.e. a few morsels to gain some energy]. If this is not possible then a third for food, a third for drink and a third for air”. (Sunan Tirmidhi, Hadith: 2380 and Sunan Ibn Majah, Hadith: 3349.

And Allah Ta’ala Knows Best


77. Is salah the 'Mi'raj' of a believer? നമസ്കാരം ഒരു വിശ്വാസിയുടെ 'മിഅ്‌റാജ്', ഹദീസ്?