192. USING THE MISWAK INCREASES ELOQUENCE, HADITH? മിസ്‌വാക്ക് ഉപയോഗിക്കുന്നത് വാക്ചാതുര്യ(വാചാലത) വർദ്ധിപ്പിക്കും, നബി(സ)വചനം?
Q- What is the authenticity of the following Hadith?Nabi (sallallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) said,  “Using the miswak increases a person’s eloquence”

The Muhaddithun have declared this Hadith extremely weak. In fact ‘Allamah Saghani (rahimahullah) and others have declared the Hadith a fabrication. The Hadith is therefore not suitable to quote. (Refer: Mizanul I’tidal, vol. 3 pg. 202, Lisanul Mizan, vol. 6 pg. 96, Faydul Qadir, Hadith: 4838 and Al Asrarul Marfu’ah, Hadith: 233)

There are many other benefits of the miswak which should be quoted instead. See an example. Use the miswak, for it purifies the mouth, pleases Allah Ta’ala, pleases the Angels, increases good deeds, it is Sunnah, sharpens the eyesight, cures scurvy [a disease affecting the gums], strengthens the gums, removes phlegm and fragrances the mouth”

Imam Ibn ‘Adiy (rahimahullah) and Imam Bayhaqi (rahimahullah) have recorded this narration on the authority of Sayyiduna ‘Abdullah ibn ‘Abbas (radiyallahu ‘anhuma).(Al Kamil, vol. 4 pg. 367 and Shu’abul Iman, Hadith: 2521). This Hadith has been transmitted with a weak chain, but it is suitable to quote.

‘Allamah Ibnul Qayyim (rahimahullah) has also enlisted several benefits of using the miswak in Zadul Ma’ad, vol. 4 pg. 296

 And Allah Ta’ala Knows best.



191. VIRTUE OF LOOKING AT A SCHOLAR? ഒരു പണ്ഡിതനെ നോക്കുന്നതിന്റെ പ്രതിഫലം?