Q- Here is the entire sequence of the report copy-pasted (random version) :Yazid Arrafichi reported on Anas Ibn Malek said the angel Jibril (Gabriel) came to Prophet Muhammad (SAWS) at a time when he did not usually come with an abnormal color.
Jibril: “Yes, when Allah created Hell (Jahannam) He fired for 1000 years that it became flaming red. Then He fired for 1000 other years and it became smokey white! Then He fired another 1000 years and it became dark black! Jahannam is black and very dark and it is never extinguished, and likewise for its flames and balls of fire! And I swear by Him Who sent you with truth that: if a small opening of the size of a needle had been made a hell, then all people in this life would have been burned by the heat!And I swear by Him Who sent you with the truth that if the coat of clothes of the people of hell had been hung between heaven and earth then all the people of the earth would have succumbed to its odor and its Heat! And I swear by Him Who sent you with the truth that if a ring of chain which Allah has mentioned in his Quran was placed on a mountain then it would fade to the seventh earth (the deepest of the earth) And I swear by Him Who sent you with the truth that if a person was undergoing the punishment to the west, then person being at East would have been burned because of the greatness of the punishment! Its heat is very large and its bottom is very deep. It has seven doors, each door is divided: one part forwomen and another part for men!”
The prophet asks: “Are they similar to our doors?”. Jibril: “No, they are open and are one below the other! Between each door there is the equivalent of 70 years of walking and the heat of the door before the first is 70 times higher than the first and so on…. “
The Prophet: “Who dwells in these doors?”. Jibril: “The lowest contains the hypocrites, and people who did not believe the people of ‘elmaida’ (table served) and the people of Pharaoh and it is called ‘Haawiyah’. Haawiyah – chasm or abyss – because the one who is thrown into it is thrown from top to bottom.
The second contains the disbelievers ‘mochrikin’ and it’s called ‘jaheem’. Jaheem – fire – because of its blazing fire. The third contains the sabiun and it’s called ‘Saqar’. Saqar – because of the intensity of its heat.the fourth contains Iblis (Satan) and those who followed and the majouss. It is called ‘Ladthaa’. Ladthaa – blazing fire – because of its flames.
The fifth contains the Jews and called ‘Hatamah’. Hatamah – broken pieces or debris – because it breaks and crushes everything that is thrown into it. The sixth contains the Christians and it is called ‘Sa’eer’. Sa’eer – blazing flame – because it is kindled and ignited.
Then Jibril stopped talking out of respect for the prophet. Then the Prophet (SAWS) said : “Can you tell me who the people of the seventh door are?” Jibril replied: “It contains people from your community who have major sins (KABA) and died and did not repent ‘Tawba’!”. Then the Prophet fainted, Jibril put his head on his knee until he woke up. When he awoke the Prophet said: “O Jibril, will people from my community enter hellfire?”. “Yes, those who have made major sins.”
Then the prophet wept and wept as did Jibril. The prophet closed himself in his house and he only went out for the prayer and he spoke to no one! he wept in prayer and invoked.Allah.
Abu Baker on the third day came knocking on the door of the Prophet and said :“Assalamo alaykom ahla elbayt (people of the house), how is the prophet today? But nobody replied. Then he left in tears.Then came Salman ELfarisi :“Assalamo alaykom ahla elbayt and how is the prophet today? But nobody replied! So he left in tears (and he could not walk (he walked and stumbled/fell until he arrives at the door of the house of Fatima (the daughter of the Prophet) and said: “Assalamo alaykom daughter of the Prophet” and Ali was absent :
“O daughter of the prophet, the prophet is no onger seen amongst the people, he remains in his house, he only comes for prayer, not talking to anyone and does not allow anyone to enter his home.”Fatima then rushed to the house of the prophet and she stopped at the front of the door of the Prophet, she says her Salaams and said: “O Prophet it is me Fatima.” and the prophet was in a position sujood and crying. He raised his head and said:“How can it be an obstacle between me and my tender and sweet darling Fatima? Open the door to her!”
They opened the door and Fatima entered. When she saw the state of the prophet (His face was very pale, sadness and all tears he had shed had made him much thinner) She began to cry and said: “O Prophet what happened to you?” The Prophet then said: “O Fatima: Jibril came to me and he described the gates of hell, and he told me that in the upper door, there will people in my community who have done great sin (ka baer) and that is what made me cry and made me sad.” Fatima : “how do they go into hell? “ The Prophet : “The angels lead them to hell, they will not have blackened faces, they will not have blue eyes, they will not have their mouth closed, they will not be with the devils nor are they wearing necklaces of hellfire” Fatima : “how do the angels lead them?”. The Prophet : “The men by their beards. And women through the ‘thawaeb’ and ‘Nawas’ Indeed, many old men in my community die and say, while being led to hell ‘Oh my elderness, oh my weakness!’ And how many will die young and go while being led to hell ‘Oh my youth, oh my beauty!’ And how many women die in my community and say, while being led to hell ‘Oh! What a horrible discovery, do not reveal my sins!’.
Until they reach Malik! So when Malik looks at them, he say to the angels: “Who are these people? My people have never entered in a state like theirs (their faces are not darkened, their eyes are are not blue, their mouths are not closed!!)”. So the angels say: “This is how we were ordered to deliever them to you.” Malik then asks these people : “Who are you, o miserables?”
First of all no source is ever given for this story, ie from which kitab this story comes from. In fact no primary ahadith book contains this narration, with the exception of Al-Samarqandi (rahimahullah)’s Tambeeh-ul-ghaafileen, which is well known for its da’eef (weak) and mawdhu (forged) narrations amongst the scholars.
Then the narrator mentioned, Yazid Al-Riqaashi, was severely criticised by many muhadditheen as matrook (left) or dha’eef (weak). And although this hadith contains some parts confirmed by other sahih narrations, the whole story simply cannot be attributed to the Holy Prophet ﷺ.
And Allah Ta’ala Knows best,