Q- There is a famous narration of a Sahabi Alqama (radiyallahu’anhu) who was unable to recite the shahadah at the time of death because he was disobedient to his mother. Is this authentic?മാതാവിനോട് അനുസരണക്കേട് കാണിച്ചതിനാൽ മരണസമയത്ത് ശഹാദത്ത് ചൊല്ലാൻ കഴിയാതിരുന്ന സഹാബി അൽഖമ (റ)?
Disobedience of parents is a proven serious sin.However, this incident is unauthentic, and should not be quoted.It has been recorded with two very weak chains. Both the chains have narrators that are suspected liars in Hadith.(Tabarani and Tambihul Ghafilin, pg.191). See: Majma’uz Zawaid, vol. 8 pg. 148, Tahdhibut Tahdhib, vol. 8 pg. 255-256/ vol. 1 pg. 98 and Lisanul Mizan, number: 3006
Hereunder are the comments of the Muhadditheen on the narration in reference.
1) Ibn-ul-Jawzi Rahmatullahi Alaihi states:هَذَا حَدِيثٌ لَا يَصِحُّ عَنْ رَسُولِ الله صَلَّى اللَّهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ
Translation: It is not permissible to attribute the narration in reference to Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam.
2) Imam Ahmad bin Hambal Rahmatullahi Alaihi states:فَايِد مَتْرُوك الحَدِيث
Translation: The narrator of this Hadith “Faa’id” is considerate as (متروك) Matruk- that Hadith in which there is such a narrator who has been blamed for lying in other matters besides narrating Hadith. Such a Hadith is considered rejected.
3) Yahya bin Maeen Rahmatullahi Alaihi states: لَيْسَ بشئ
Translation: This Hadith is insignificant.
4) Ibn Hibbaan Rahmatullahi Alaihi states: لَا يجوز الِاحْتِجَاج بِهِ
Translation: It is not permissible to take this narrators opinion as proof.
5) Imam Bayhaqi states: لَا يُتَابِعه على هَذَا الحَدِيث إِلا من هُوَ مثله
Translation: Faa’id is alone in this narration.
1. Ibnul Jawzi mentioned as Mawdu an abridged version of this narration in his Al Mawdû’ât (a book consisting of fabricated narrations attributed to the Holy Prophet ﷺ).As Suyûti narrates from Al ‘Uqayli that this hadith is unauthentic (Al La’âliy al Masnû’ah) Shaykh Mash’hûr quotes this story in his ‘Qisas la tathbut’ (unfounded stories).
2. Likewise, the attribution to “Ahmad” is misleading, as all that is mentioned in Musnad Ahmed is that this was originally part of the Musnad, thereafter Imam Ahmad (due to its severe weakness) removed it from his book.
3. One problem of this narration is in its isnad : Faa’id Ibnu Abdir Rahmân Abu-l Waraqâ has been severely criticised by muhadditheen : Imam Ahmad, Ibnul Jawzi, Al ‘Uqayli and Al-Haythami say whatever he narrates should be neglected (matrûk).
4. ‘Ulamas have also mentioned the following : whenever a tradition is mentioned at the start with words hukiya (“it is told”, as reported in al-kaba’ir) or ruwiya (“it is reported”, as written in At-targhib wat tarhib), then its authenticity is problematic to say the least.
Thus this widespread story of ‘Alqamah is NOT authentically reported from the Holy Prophet Muhammad ﷺ and thus cannot constitute a solid proof in Islam, although ONE MUST OBEY HIS PARENTS.
And Allah Ta’ala Knows best
Few (7) Fatwa links are below for more details